
Resource Year Topic Type
How long to prosecute child sexual abuse for a community using a Children’s Advocacy Center and two comparison communities?
Walsh, W.A., Lippert T., Cross, T.P., Maurice, D. and Davison, K.Child Maltreatment, 31(1), 3-13. (CV162)
2008 Child Advocacy Centers Paper
Telling interviewers about sexual abuse: Predictors of child disclosure at forensic interviews
Lippert-Luikart, T., Jones, L. M., & Walsh, W. A. Child Maltreatment, 14(4): 100-113. (CV 180)
2009 Child Advocacy Centers Paper
Non-offending caregiver and youth experiences with child sexual abuse investigations
Jones, L.M., Atoro, K.E., Cross, T.P., Walsh, W.A., Shadoin, A., & Magnuson, S. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25(2): 291-314. (CV125)
2010 Child Advocacy Centers Paper
Prosecuting child sexual abuse: The importance of evidence type
Walsh, W., Jones, L.M., Cross, T.P., & Lippert, T. Crime & Delinquency, 56(3): 436-454. (CV175)
2010 Child Advocacy Centers Paper
Suspect confession of child sexual abuse to investigators
Lippert, T., Cross, T.P., Jones, L.M., & Walsh, W. Child Maltreatment, 15(2): 161-170. (CV202)
2010 Child Advocacy Centers Paper
Have sexual abuse and physical abuse declined since the 1990s?
Finkelhor, D. & Jones, L. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center. (CV267)
2012 Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Mental Health Professionals in Children's Advocacy Centers: Is there role conflict?
Cross, T.P., Fine, J.E., Jones, L.M, and Walsh, W.A. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 21:91-108. (CV226)
2012 Child Advocacy Centers Paper
Prosecution of child abuse: A meta-analysis of rates of criminal justice decisions
Cross, T. P., Walsh, W. A., Simone, M., & Jones, L.M. Trauma, Violence and Abuse 4(4), 323-340. (CV79)
2003 Child Advocacy Centers, Multi-Site Evaluation of Children's Advocacy Centers (CACs) Paper
Online harassment in context:  Trends from three youth Internet safety surveys
Jones, L.M., Mitchell, K., Wolak, J., & Finkelhor, D. Psychology of Violence (Special Issue),3(1): 53-69. (CV271)
2013 Technology/Internet Victimization, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Trends in Children's Exposure to Violence
Finkelhor, D., Shattuck, A., Turner, H.A., and Hamby, S.L. JAMA Pediatrics, doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.5296.
2014 Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Has Psychiatric Medication Reduced Crime and Delinquency? 
Finkelhor, D. & Johnson, M. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, DOI: 10.1177/1524838015620817.
2015 Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Corporal punishment: Current rates from a National Survey
Finkelhor, D., Turner, H., Crocker, B. K., Vanderminden, J., & Hamby, S. Journal of child and family studies, online first. doi:10.1007/s10826-…
2019 Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Can nonforcible sex crimes be successfully prosecuted when victims are willing adolescents.
Walsh, W.A. & Wolak, J. (2005). Child Maltreatment, 10(3): 260-271. (CV105)
2005 Child Advocacy Centers, Multi-Site Evaluation of Children's Advocacy Centers (CACs) Paper
Children’s Advocacy Centers: Understanding of a phenomenon.
Simone, M., Cross, T. P., Jones, L. M. & Walsh, W. A. (2005). In K.A. Kendall-Tackett & Giacomoni, S. M. (Eds.), Child Victimization (pp. 22-…
2005 Child Advocacy Centers, Multi-Site Evaluation of Children's Advocacy Centers (CACs) Paper
Police involvement in child protective services investigations.
Cross, T.P., Finkelhor, D. & Ormrod, R. (2005). Child Maltreatment, 10(3): 224-244. (CV83)
2005 Child Advocacy Centers, Multi-Site Evaluation of Children's Advocacy Centers (CACs) Paper
How the justice system responds to juvenile victims: A comprehensive model
Finkelhor, D., Cross, T.P., & Cantor, E. N. Juvenile Justice Bulletin - NCJ210951, (pgs. 1-12). Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice &…
2006 Child Advocacy Centers, Multi-Site Evaluation of Children's Advocacy Centers (CACs), General Child Victimization Paper
Multi-Site Evaluation of Children's Advocacy Centers (CACs)
The Multi-Site Evaluation of CACs, funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) was designed to evaluate the impact…
Child Advocacy Centers, Multi-Site Evaluation of Children's Advocacy Centers (CACs) Project
Developing New Knowledge for Effective Children’s Advocacy Centers: Employing the NCAtrak Data System for CAC Research
This research represents an innovative effort to link research with large-scale, standardized case data collection by the National Children’s…
Child Advocacy Centers Project
Prevalence and correlates of sibling victimization types
Tucker, C. J., Finkelhor, D., Turner, H., & Shattuck, A. (2013). Child Abuse & Neglect. DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.01.006
2013 Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse Paper
Association of sibling aggression with child and adolescent mental health
Tucker, C. J., Finkelhor, D., Turner, H., & Shattuck, A. (2013). Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-3801
2013 Bullying/Peer Victimization, Impacts of Child Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse Paper