
Resource Year Topic Type
Are Crimes by Online Predators Different From Crimes by Sex Offenders Who Know Youth In-Person
We challenge the view that “online predators” are distinctly dangerous sex offenders requiring specific programs to protect youth. When online sexual…
2013 Technology/Internet Victimization
Youth Involvement in Sexting: Findings from the Youth Internet Safety Studies
This is the fourth of a series of bulletins highlighting the results of the 3rd Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS‐3). YISS‐3, conducted in 2010,…
2014 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Trends in Unwanted Exposure to Sexual Material: Findings from the Youth Internet Safety Studies
This is the third of a series of four bulletins highlighting the results of the 3rd Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS). This bulletin documents…
2014 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Trends in Unwanted Online Experiences and Sexting
This bulletin summarizes findings from the Third Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS‐3). Topics include youth reports of unwanted sexual…
2014 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Trends in Online Harassment: Findings from the Youth Internet Safety Studies
This is the second of a series of four bulletins highlighting the results of the 3rd Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS). This bulletin…
2014 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Trends in Unwanted Sexual Solicitations
This is the first of four bulletins highlighting the results of the 3rd Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS). This bulle‐ tin documents overall…
2014 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Sextortion of Minors: Characteristics and Dynamics
This research finds that sextortion perpetrators who victimized minors (vs.young adults)were more likely to pressure victims into producing initial…
2017, 2018 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
The Decline of Sexual Abuse Cases
This project explores the dramatic decline in sexual abuse cases that has occurred across the U.S. during the 1990s. The goals of the study are to…
Sexual Abuse, Trends In Child Victimization Project
Why have Child Maltreatment and Child Victimization Declined
Finkelhor D., and Jones, L. Journal of Social Issues, 62(4): 685-716.
2006 Sexual Abuse, Trends In Child Victimization Paper
Homicide Fact Sheet
Homicide is one of the five leading causes of juvenile mortality.
2002 Homicide Fact Sheet
Trends in Children's Exposure to Violence, 2003-2011
Finkelhor, D., Shattuck, A., Turner, H.A., and Hamby, S.L. JAMA Pediatrics, doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.5296.
2014 Exposure to Domestic Violence Paper
Disability and victimization in a national sample of children and youth
Turner, H.A., Vanderminden, J., Finkelhor, D., Hamby, S.L., & Shattuck, A. (2011). Child Maltreatment, Online first(10.1177/1077559511427178).
2011 Exposure to Domestic Violence, General Child Victimization, Impacts of Child Victimization Paper
Child and youth victimization known to police, school, and other medical authorities
Finkelhor, D., Ormrod, R.K., Turner, H.A., & Hamby, S.L. OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin – NCJ235394 (pgs. 1-8). Washington, DC: US Government…
2012 Exposure to Domestic Violence, General Child Victimization, Impacts of Child Victimization Paper
Family structure, victimization, and mental health in a nationally representative sample of children and youth
Turner, H.A., Finkelhor, D., Hamby, S., & Shattuck, A. (2013).. Social Science & Medicine, 87: 39-51. (CV235)
2013 Exposure to Domestic Violence, Impacts of Child Victimization Paper
Perpetrator and Victim Gender Patterns for 21 Forms of Youth Victimization in the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence
Hamby, S., Finkelhor, D., & Turner, H.A. Violence and Victims, 28(6): 915-939.
2013 Exposure to Domestic Violence, Impacts of Child Victimization Paper
Intervention following family violence: Best practices and help seeking obstacles in a nationally representative sample of families with children
Hamby, S., Finkelhor, D., & Turner, H. Psychology of Violence. doi: 10.1037/a0036224 (CV322)
2014 Exposure to Domestic Violence, Impacts of Child Victimization Paper
Children's Exposure to Violence, Crime, and Abuse: An Update
Finkelhor, D., Turner, H., Shattuck, A., Hamby, S., & Kracke, K. Juvenile Justice Bulletin – NCJ 248547. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing…
2015 Exposure to Domestic Violence, General Child Victimization, Impacts of Child Victimization Paper
National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV)
The National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence, funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Centers for…
2008 Exposure to Domestic Violence, General Child Victimization, Impacts of Child Victimization, Statistics Project
Child Mental Health Problems as Risk Factors for Victimization
Turner, H. A., Finkelhor, D., & Ormrod, R. K. Child Maltreatment.
2010 Polyvictimization, Statistics Paper
Developmental Victimization Survey
The Developmental Victimization Survey (DVS) is a longitudinal study designed to assess a comprehensive range of childhood victimizations across…
2002, 2003, 2004 General Child Victimization, Polyvictimization, Statistics Project