Resource Year Topic Type
Brief report: Physical health of adolescent perpetrators of sibling aggression
Tucker, C. J., Van Gundy, K., Sharp, E. H., & Rebellon, C. (2015). Journal of Adolescence. DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2015.09.007
2015 Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse Paper
Proactive and reactive sibling aggression and adjustment in adolescence
Tucker, C. J., Van Gundy, K. T., Wiesen-Martin, D., Sharp, E. H., Rebellon, C. J., & Stracuzzi, N. F. (2015). Journal of Interpersonal Violence.…
2015 Bullying/Peer Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse Paper
A holistic approach to child maltreatment
Finkelhor, D., & Tucker, C. J. (2015). The Lancet Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(15)00173-X
2015 Bullying/Peer Victimization, General Child Victimization, Impacts of Child Victimization, Sibling Aggression and Abuse Paper
Toolkit on mapping legal, health and social services responses to child maltreatment
Jud, A., Jones L., & Mikton, C. (2015). Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
2015 Statistics Paper
Victimization and polyvictimization among Spanish youth protected by the child welfare system
Segura, A., Pereda, N., Abad, J., & Guilera, G. Children and Youth Services Review, 59, 105-112. doi:http://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2015.10…
2015 JVQ Paper
Victimization and polyvictimization among Spanish adolescent outpatients
Pereda, N., Abad, J., & Guilera, G. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 24(9), 1044-1066. doi:10.1080/10926771.2015.1072121
2015 JVQ Paper
Factors that Influence Child Abuse Reporting: A Survey of Child-Serving Professionals
Walsh, W. & Jones, L. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center.
2015 General Child Victimization Paper
A Statewide Study of the Public’s Knowledge of Child Abuse Reporting Policies
Walsh, W. & Jones, L. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center.
2015 General Child Victimization Paper
Weapon involvement in the victimization of children
Mitchell, K. J., Hamby, S., Turner, H. A., Shattuck, A., & Jones, L. M. JAMA pediatrics, 136(1), 1-10. doi:10.1542/peds.2014-3966
2015 Firearm Violence Paper
Dilemmas for international mobilization around child abuse and neglect
The goal of this commentary is to articulate some issues and dilemmas raised by various efforts to mobilize international action around child abuse…
2015 Prevention Paper