Technology/Internet Victimization

Resource Year Topic Type
The exposure of youth to unwanted sexual material on the internet: A national survey of risk, impact and prevention
Mitchell, K.J., Finkelhor, D., and Wolak, J. Youth & Society, 34(3), 330-358. (CV43)
2003 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
First National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (N-JOV)
Summary. The National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (N-JOV) was funded by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and the…
Technology/Internet Victimization Project
Youth engaging in online harassment: Associations with caregiver-child relationships, Internet use, and personal characteristics
Ybarra, M.L. and Mitchell, K.J. Journal of Adolescence, 27(3), 319-336. (CV63)
2004 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Online aggressors, victims, and aggressor/victims: A comparison of associated youth characteristics
Ybarra, M.L. and Mitchell, K.J. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 45(7), 1308-1316. (CV75)
2004 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Victimization of youths on the internet
Mitchell, K.J., Finkelhor, D., and Wolak, J. In J.L. Mullings, J.W. Marquart & D.J. Hartley (Eds.) The Victimization of Children: Emerging Issues…
2004 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Depressive symptomatology, youth Internet use, and online interactions: A national survey
Ybarra, M.L., Alexander, C., and Mitchell, K.J. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36(1), 9-18. (CV74)
2005 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Protecting youth online: Family use of filtering and blocking software
Mitchell, K.J., Finkelhor, D., and Wolak, J. Child Abuse & Neglect 29:753-765. (CV49)
2005 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
Online victimization: What youth tell us
Finkelhor, D., Mitchell, K.J., and Wolak, J. In S.W. Cooper, R.J. Estes, A.P. Giardino, N.D. Kellogg, & V.I. Vieth (Eds.), Medical, legal, and…
2005 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
The relative importance of online victimization in understanding depression, delinquency, & substance use
Mitchell, K., Ybarra, M., & Finkelhor, D. Child Maltreatment, 12(4), 314-324. (CV132)
2007 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper
National juvenile online victimization study (N-JOV): Methodology report
Wolak, J., Mitchell, K.J., and Finkelhor, D. (2003). Crimes against Children Research Center, Durham, NH. (CV72)
2003 Technology/Internet Victimization Paper