Lara Gengarelly

Lara Gengarelly

Extension State Specialist/Professor, Science Ed & Outreach
Affiliate Faculty, Leitzel Center
Phone: (603) 862-2995
Office: Leitzel Center, Parsons Hall Rm N117, Durham, NH 03824

As a UNH Cooperative Extension Science Literacy State Specialist and Affiliate Professor with the Leitzel Center for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education, I coordinate and direct STEM education programs for youth and educators (formal and informal), secure grant funding to support statewide K-12 STEM education initiatives, promote partnerships and collaborations among UNH faculty and staff who work on K-12 STEM education initiatives, and carry out applied research in the field of science education, investigating factors that improve K-12 educators’ instructional practice and learners’ science literacy and attitudes toward STEM disciplines.


  • Ph.D., Plant Sciences, University of New Hampshire
  • M.S., Plant Sciences, University of New Hampshire
  • B.A., Biological&Biomedical Sci.Rel., Hampshire College

Research Interests

  • Forest Ecology
  • Teacher Attitudes
  • Teacher Effectiveness
  • Teacher training
  • The Science of Teaching and Learning

Selected Publications

  • Gengarelly, L. M., & Abrams, E. D. (2009). Closing the Gap: Inquiry in Research and the Secondary Science Classroom. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY, 18(1), 74-84. doi:10.1007/s10956-008-9134-2

  • Gengarelly, L. M., & Lee, T. D. (2006). Dynamics of Atlantic white-cedar populations at a Northern New England coastal wetland. NATURAL AREAS JOURNAL, 26(1), 5-16. doi:10.3375/0885-8608(2006)26[5:DOAWPA]2.0.CO;2

  • Gengarelly, L. M., & Lee, T. D. (2005). The role of microtopography and substrate in survival and growth of Atlantic white-cedar seedlings. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 212(1-3), 135-144. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2005.03.009

  • Gengarelly, L., Honwad, S., Glenn, M., Froburg, E., Clyde, M., & Andreozzi, H. (2023, June 10). Schoolyard SITES: School-Community partnership to learn about teaching locally-relevant citizen science. In P. Blikstein, J. Van Aalst, R. Kizito, & K. Brennan (Eds.), International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 1935-1936). Montreal, Canada: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023. Retrieved from

  • Gengarelly, L., Honwad, S., Glenn, M., Froburg, E., Clyde, M., & Andreozzi, H. (2024, March 17). Supporting elementary teachers’ science instruction through school-community partnerships to design and teach locally-relevant citizen science. In National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Denver, CO, USA.

  • Most Cited Publications